Individual Use Cases
Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Phishing protection

Online identity protection

Secure logins to social media

Passwordless logins

Encrypted backups of secret data

Digital inheritance plans

Crypto Use Cases
Secure logins to crypto exchanges

Encrypted backups of private keys

Crypto inheritance plans

Decentralized data backups

Self-custody protection

Web3 asset protection

Professional Use Cases
Passwordless workspaces

Keep sensitive data safe

Secure employee accounts

Store encrypted data shares

Protect employees against phishing attacks

Manage privileged accessibility

Protect your workspace

SSDP (Secure Share Distribution Protocol)



Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Chromium, Opera

Operating systems: Windows, macOS, Linux

WebAuthentication (WebAuthn)

With touchbutton

USB 1.1, Type A