Protect Your Workspace

Workspace protection is important for businesses of all sizes, as it helps to ensure that sensitive data and digital assets remain safe and secure.

Protect Your Workspace, Simply By Using A SafeKey.

Workspace protection is important for businesses of all sizes, as it helps to ensure that sensitive data and digital assets remain safe and secure. With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet, businesses are at risk of cyberattacks and data breaches that can result in financial losses, reputation damage, and other serious consequences.

SafeKey is a device that is specifically designed to protect your workspace by securely storing your sensitive data and digital assets. With its military-grade encryption and tamper-proof design, SafeKey provides advanced security for your data and prevents unauthorized access or hacking.

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What Is Workspace Protection?

Workspace protection refers to the measures that you take to protect the sensitive data and digital assets of your business from threats such as cyberattacks, data breaches, and account takeovers. These measures may include implementing strong passwords, using two-factor authentication, and storing data in encrypted form.

One of the key ways to protect your workspace is by implementing a secure data backup plan. This plan should involve storing data in encrypted form using a device like SafeKey, which prevents unauthorized access and hacking. By backing up your data in this way, you can ensure that your company’s sensitive information, such as bank accounts, digital wallets, passwords, and other important documents, remains safe and secure.

In addition to backing up your data, it’s important to also implement measures such as two-factor authentication and phishing protection to safeguard your business against account takeovers and fraudulent websites and emails. By taking these steps, you can protect your workspace and ensure that your company’s data and assets remain safe and secure.

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Workspace Protection Done Right.

The consequences of not protecting your workspace can be severe, and can include financial losses, reputation damage, and other serious consequences. Cyberattacks and data breaches are a major threat to businesses, and without proper protection, you risk having your sensitive data and digital assets accessed or stolen by hackers. This can result in financial losses, damage to your company’s reputation, and other serious consequences.

It’s important to take proactive steps to protect your workspace and safeguard your company’s valuable information and digital assets. By implementing strong passwords, using two-factor authentication, and storing data in encrypted form using a device like SafeKey, you can significantly reduce the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – protect your workspace today and ensure the safety and security of your company’s sensitive data and digital assets.

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Better Security Thanks To Built-in Phishing Protection.

Phishing attacks are a major threat to businesses, as they can trick employees into giving away sensitive information or login credentials to fraudulent websites or emails. These attacks can result in data breaches, account takeovers, and other serious consequences for your company.

That’s why it’s important to have built-in phishing protection to safeguard your business from these types of attacks. SafeKey provides just that, with its advanced security features that protect against phishing attacks.

One of the key ways that SafeKey protects against phishing is by ensuring that only the real site can authenticate with the key. This means that even if an employee is tricked into giving away their login credentials, the SafeKey won’t be fooled and will prevent the attacker from gaining access to your accounts.

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How Do You Protect Your Workspace Data and Accounts With A SafeKey?

To get started, simply configure your SafeKey device and add it to your user accounts. From there, all future login confirmations can be done with a simple touch or tap, without the need for additional software downloads.

Another extra secure solution for businesses is to create their own secure data backup plans using Inheriti® in combination with multiple SafeKeys. This is the only 100% decentralized solution available, and its unique Secret Share Distribution Protocol (SSDP) has multiple patents in different jurisdictions around the world.

Inheriti® encrypts and splits data into secret shares, which are then stored on multiple SafeKey devices. These shares must be brought back together in order to reveal the data. It’s important to note that you never directly store funds, accounts or actual assets on your SafeKey. Instead, you leave data or credentials (such as guidelines, private keys, passwords, user names, and PIN codes) that can be used to access the location where your assets are stored.

SafeKey enables businesses to confidently back up their private data in a secure and empowering way by using Shamir’s Secret Sharing Algorithm.

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Get Your Workspace Protected In Minutes.

Protecting your workspace doesn’t have to be a time-consuming or complicated process. With SafeKey, you can get your accounts and data protected in just a few minutes.

SafeKey provides reliable hardware security that doesn’t require a battery or network connectivity, so it is always on and accessible. It offers strong security that has been proven to eliminate account takeovers, and is 4 times faster than typing in a one-time password (OTP).

Another solution to protecting your workspace with SafeKey is that it allows you to decentralize your data, meaning that it is not stored in a central location where it is vulnerable to cyberattacks. Instead, your data is split into encrypted shares and stored on multiple SafeKey devices.

This decentralized approach offers many benefits. For one, it reduces the risk of data loss due to system failures or natural disasters, as your data is stored in multiple locations. It also allows you to eliminate the need for intermediaries to manage your data, giving you more control over your assets.

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Benefits Of Protecting Your Workspace With A SafeKey

  • Enhanced security: SafeKey uses military-grade encryption to keep your data safe and secure.
  • Improved two-factor authentication: SafeKey’s built-in 2FA system adds an extra layer of security to your accounts and data.
  • Advanced phishing protection: SafeKey’s built-in phishing protection helps to protect your workspace against fraudulent websites and emails.
  • Decentralization: SafeKey is a decentralized solution, meaning that your data is not stored in a central location where it is vulnerable to cyberattacks
  • Protects against data loss: SafeKey’s decentralized approach means that your data is stored in multiple locations, reducing the risk of data loss due to system failures or natural disasters.
  • Reduces reliance on intermediaries: By using SafeKey, you can eliminate the need for intermediaries to manage your data, giving you more control over your assets.
  • Protects against tampering: SafeKey’s tamper-proof design means that it is difficult for anyone to tamper with your data without your knowledge.
  • Offers ongoing independent audits: SafeKey undergoes independent audits to ensure that it is secure and compliant with industry standards.
  • Provides a 3-layer topology: SafeKey’s 3-layer topology adds an extra layer of security to your data, making it even more difficult for cybercriminals to access.
  • Lifetime validity: SafeKey’s lifetime validity means that it can be used to protect your data for as long as you need.
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Workspace protection is important for businesses of all sizes, as it helps to ensure that sensitive data and digital assets remain safe and secure.

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